Usk Boarding Kennels & Cattery Ltd
This privacy notice explains what personal details we collect, why we need this information and how we use it.
It explains who we may share it with and explains why.
At Usk Boarding Kennels and cattery Ltd, we’re committed to protecting your personal information and your data privacy.
When you make a booking with Usk Boarding Kennels and Cattery Ltd you are entering into a contract with us. In order for us to properly perform our side of that contract we need the information about you and your pets which we collect from you. These contractual requirements provide our legal basis for storing and processing the data we hold (GDPR article 6(1) (b)). Without this data we are unable to offer our services to you.
What we collect – the information we collect and use include:
Your contact details e.g Your name, address, phone numbers and email address.
Details of your pets e.g Their names, breeds, age, vaccination status and vestiary details (Such as whether they have been neutered or microchipped)
We may keep details relating to your contacts with us e.g phone calls, emails/ letters.
We keep details of any bookings you make with us e.g dates of pet boarding, daycare or other services.
Although we do not collect any details from them, our website uses cookies to manage your visit.
As explained in our terms and conditions we may photograph or film your pets.
We do not collect any information which is classified as sensitive personal information.
We collect all this information from you, either by phone, email, social media, bookings form you complete or direct from you in person. We do not collect information about you from third parties.
How we use your information
We collect and use your information which is personal to you when it is necessary, fair and lawful to do so. We will collect and use your information only as detailed below.
You have provided us with information we need to be able to properly manage your booking and the boarding of your pets.
Should you decide not to provide us with appropriate contact details etc. we will be unable to provide you with a boarding service.
Your email will only be used to contact you in relation to your pet service bookings with us. We may send you e.g booking acknowledgement, invoices and booking reminders.
As a rule, we will not pass your information to third parties. Possible exceptions to this would be e.g our insurers in the event of a claim, veterinary practices or animal welfare organisation if your pet requires treatment or id we need to trace the owner of a pet which has not been collected at the end of its period of boarding.
We may use photographs or video of your pet in our marketing material. We will not identify you or your address.
Your information is stored and processed on our premises at Usk Boarding Kennels & Cattery.
Our database and its backups are encrypted to protect your information.
To comply with our insurance conditions, we need to retain your contact details and booking information for 6 years.
Your rights
We respect your rights under data protection act 2018 and the GDPR (general data protection regulations) which provide you with various data access rights. You have the right to complain to the information commissioner’s office if you have concerns with our treatment of your data. We won’t retain information for longer than we require.