Please ensure your pets vaccinations are up to date and you bring your pets vaccination booklet on arrival to the kennels. This is the pets owners responsibility.
If your pets vaccinations are due for renewal, please give us a call first to ensure that your pets vaccines are valid for them to board at the kennels and will cover them during their stay with us.
Under no circumstances will we board pets without valid vaccinations or vaccinations that are in the live vaccine period. Please speak to us before you book your pet in to the vets to ensure your pet follows our policies for vaccinations.
Dogs Vaccinations
The required vaccinations for dogs to board with us are to protect against Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvovirus, Leptospirosis and Kennel Cough. You commonly see these as Nobivac DHP, L2/L4 and KC. There are other brands your vets may use.
DHP is a vaccination given every 3 years after their initial course.
The L2 or L4 booster, we accept either, is given annually after their initial course. If the booster is missed, your dog may need to restart their course, so it’s important to get this done every year.
The KC vaccine is NOT a routine vaccine, so you will have to ask your vet for this. This must be administered at least 2 weeks before your dog is due to check in, otherwise we will not be able to accept them. The vaccination will cover your dog for a year, so this is advised to be done annually if you use kennels regularly.
If your dog has never had it’s vaccinations or if you must restart your vaccinations it will be a 6 week period before they will be allowed to board with us. This includes their first vaccines, 4 weeks later a second vaccine and a 2 week rest period.
Cat’s vaccinations
The required vaccinations for cats to board with us are to protect against Feline Calicivirus, Herpes virus, Panleucopenia virus and Leukaemia virus. You may see these as Nobivac Tricat Trio, Ducat and FelV. There are other brands your vets may use.
The Tricat Trio and FelV are vaccinations given every 3 years after their initial course.
FelV is NOT a routine vaccine, it is recommended to cats if they go outdoors, so you will have to ask your vet for this.
Ducat is the annual booster given after their initial course of Tricat Trio. If this booster is missed, your cat may need to restart their course, so it’s important to get this done every year.
If your cat has never had it’s vaccinations or if you must restart your vaccinations it will be a 8 week period before they will be allowed to board with us. This will include their first vaccine, 4 weeks later a second vaccine and a 4 week waiting period.
This is in the kennels license policy which we must adhere to. If we do not follow this procedure, we are putting all our boarders at risk and can be forced to close the kennels by the local authority.
If you have any questions about any of the vaccinations, please ask a member of staff we will be happy to assist you.
Small animals do not require any vaccinations to board with us.